Monday, November 10, 2014

Dark Girls

DARK GIRLS is a fascinating and controversial film that goes underneath the surface to explore the prejudices dark-skinned women face throughout the world. It explores the roots of classism, racism and the lack of self-esteem within a segment of cultures that span from America to the most remote corners of the globe. Women share their personal stories, touching on deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes of society, while allowing generations to heal as they learn to love themselves for who they are.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Black Genocide


Stir Fried Rat

I think this video comes out of NYC. It shows how the Chinese catch, kill, cut and cook
rats that look like chicken and serve it to unsuspecting black folks. It you can't find it on
the street search You Tube. Very interesting. Watch what you eat! -Xavier James

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Jane Elliott/Outstanding!


I had never seen a white woman with so much candor and audacity.
I recommend that you watch the experiment she did with adults. She shows, proves and
exposes whites to the same treatment they've been putting on black folks.
Watch white folks cry as she breaks them down with the truth. -Xavier James

The Top 5 Reasons why Black Men Choose White Women by Xavier JamesThe Top 5 Reasons why Black Men Choose White Women

Are White Women Mutilating themselves Trying to Look Black? An Analysis by xavier jamesAre White Women Mutilating themselves Trying to Look Black? An Analysis

Eugenics, Sterilization and Planned Parenthood by Xavier JamesEugenics, Sterilization and Planned Parenthood